Monday 8 February 2016

Let's set the mood ;)

What is a Mood board?

mood board is a type of collage consisting of images,

text, and samples of objects in a composition. They may be

physical or digital, and can be "extremely effective" 

presentation tools.

As you all know Art can't be expressed verbally, so mood boards are effective, that way. This mood board conveys the idea of pop art. It also saves time in communicating my idea.So it's after midnight , with my laptop and coffee (it's a must). I started collecting images which gave me a 'POP' feeling. After this I made a collage using photoshop and the techniques I've learnt in my CAD(Computer Aided Design) skills.

Mood Board
I hope I've conveyed my idea about the concept behind what 'mood boards' really are !

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